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Friday, January 31, 2014

Vivian Grissom - Traditional Dancer Bronze

I began watching this bronze on eBay when it was first listed, as I do with everything I like but cannot afford. I keep hoping I hit the lottery one day... Well, I continued to watch this through about a year's worth of relistings as it continued to stagnate without any bids. I liked it, but being po I couldn't afford the starting bid - to be honest, if I'd had that kind of money, I'd have done a few other things with it first. Late last year the owner decided that it was time it was sold and began lowering the price. It finally came down to my (admittedly low) price range and I was able to snap it up!

This impressively sized (and quite heavy) bronze was sculpted by Vivian Grissom in 1971 and is number 6 of 50. Now I have no idea who Vivian Grissom is/was, but I know that there are at least five more copies of this statue out there, and hopefully one of the owners knows more than I do. This handsome fellow appears to be a Northern Plains Traditional style dancer, though he may be more of a fantasy or representational work than strictly accurate. The figure itself is more abstract than strictly anatomically correct as well. The bronze sits a bit loosely on the original butcher block base which is a bit beat up but still decent. As there is no official title to be found, I call this "Traditional Dancer". If someone else knows different, please let me know.

Overall though, it is a handsome work and looks quite nice in my collection!

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971
"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, front

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, left

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, back

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, right

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, face detail

"Traditional Dancer" by Vivian Grissom, 6/50, 1971, signature

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