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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Terry S. Gilbreth Bronze - A Very Lucky Find

Another piece that claims a place of pride in my collection is this bronze by Texas artist Terry S. Gilbreth titled "Seeking Ancients". This is numbered 1 (yes, the very first!) of 25. That means that in the entire world, there are only 25 of these, and I have the first. It's kind of mind-blowing.

You really have to see his work to believe it. I still can't believe I was fortunate enough to find this, much less be able to afford it. I really can't believe I wasn't outbid, either! The universe aligned for me, I figure.

"Seeking Ancients" by Terry S. Gilbreth, bronze, 1/25, front

"Seeking Ancients" by Terry S. Gilbreth, bronze, 1/25, right

"Seeking Ancients" by Terry S. Gilbreth, bronze, 1/25, back

"Seeking Ancients" by Terry S. Gilbreth, bronze, 1/25, left
"Seeking Ancients" by Terry S. Gilbreth, bronze, 1/25, signature



    1. Thank you for the link! Apparently Mr. Gilbreth's sister is quite an accomplished artist as well. :)

  2. How much did you pay for this one? I have one of his bronze statues and I'm trying to figure out the value of it. Thanks

    1. Hi there! I don't recall exactly what I paid, offhand, but I do know that I got an awesome deal very shortly after the economy crashed and many folks were holding "fire sales." Value depends on many factors, including (but not limited to) condition, size, subject matter (how appealing the piece is), patina as well as edition size. Without seeing your statue, it would be impossible for me to offer a valuation. I'm just a collector, too, so my appraisal would be merely an unofficial approximate.

      The art market is still slowly coming back after the economic crash. In all honesty, if you can afford to hold onto it for a couple years, I think the value will only go back up.
